Donations We need your help!
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You can make a difference today! Your contribution will help provide better educational opportunities and a brighter future for children in Africa. At the bottom of this page you can easily make a donation right now. As a registered PBO, all donations to the trust are tax exempt and tax deductible in South Africa, in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Please consider one of the following options for getting involved and contributing financially:
1. Make a once off donation (any amount). We guarantee that each donation received goes directly to the Trust fund to help grow our endownment fund from which we fund our projects.
2. Make a monthly pledge for a year, with the option to renew or cancel after one year. At the bottom of this page is a credit card payment option which allows you to make either a once-off donation or a monthly contribution. After one year, the pledge does not auto-renew. You will need to repeat the process to continue your monthly contribution.
3. Donate a percentage of your trip costs. If you have booked a trip with Wild Wings Safaris, the amount you pledge will be matched by Wild Wings so the contribution to the Trust is doubled. We will match donations up to 1% of the overall trip costs. This is an opportunity for you to contribute to a worthwhile cause as part of your travel spend, which will allow your trip to Africa to directly benefit disadvantaged children in the local community.
Donating by Credit Card
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to donate by credit card. Our credit card transactions are handled by Virtual Card Services, a secure online payment gateway. Once you click on the Secure Card Payment button below, you will be taken to a secure page on VCS where you can complete the transaction. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
Donating by Bank Transfer
You can also donate by means of a bank transfer (wire or swift transfer)
Please contact us to request our bank account details if you wish to make a bank transfer:
Thank you for your contribution!
How will my donation be used?
All contributions go directly toward the Trust fund, which is an endowment fund from which we fund our projects. Most of our overhead costs (office expenses, salaries, etc) are carried as a donation in kind by the Trust's parent company, Wild Wings Safaris. This means 99% of all monies received directly benefits the children we work with. Roughly 1% goes toward unavoidable expenses such as bank fees and accounting costs, in particular an annual independent audit of the Trust's finances. We have no salary bill as all the work of the Trust is done on a part-time, volunteer basis.
We are committed to the values of transparency, integrity, and accountability. Our finances are audited annually by Mazars. To receive a Section 18A receipt for tax purposes, please get in touch with us.
If you would like to contribute toward a specific expense, child, or project, please get in touch with us so we can allocate your donation accordingly.